Efficient car charging


Secure access


Intelligent security


Multiroom audio


Zoned Lighting


Pool Automation


Fire and Flood detection


Intelligent Garden Irrigation

  • Efficient car charging

  • Zoned Heating

  • Automatic and intelligent shading

  • Secure access

  • Intelligent security

  • Multiroom audio

  • Zoned Lighting

  • Pool Automation

  • Fire and Flood Detection

  • Intelligent Garden Irrigation

  • Weather Monitoring


Home Automation by Surrey Smarthome - Your Expert Loxone Installer in Surrey

Smarthome technology is becoming more and more popular with many off the shelf devices available. These devices have their place in the market, but to really take advantage of smarthome technology it is always better to go with a professionally installed system.

Smarthome technology is becoming increasingly popular, with many off-the-shelf devices available. While these devices have their place, a professionally installed system offers the best experience. A well-designed smarthome is complex under the surface but simple for the homeowner to use. It's not just about controlling lights or heating from your phone; a smart home automates many functions, ensuring optimal comfort and efficiency. Lights adjust based on daylight, heating varies by room, and blinds integrate with the heating system to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Smarthome Features

Zoned Lighting Control

Zoned Lighting

Open-plan living spaces are highly desirable for their flexibility and spaciousness, but they can be challenging to light effectively due to their multifunctional nature. Zoned lighting provides an innovative solution by allowing different areas within the space to be lit according to their specific use at any given time, whether it's for cooking, entertaining, or relaxing. However, the traditional approach often results in an overwhelming number of light switches, leading to confusion and inefficiency.

The Loxone smart home system elegantly addresses this issue with its single Loxone Touch switch, which simplifies control by managing all lighting zones, scenes, music, and shading from one compact interface. This streamlined approach eliminates the need for multiple switches and enhances the user experience.

Loxone’s ‘Standard’ interface ensures a consistent and intuitive operation across all rooms, making it easy for users to adjust settings without having to learn different controls for each space. This uniformity in control helps maintain a seamless and user-friendly environment throughout your home.

To further enhance functionality, Loxone ceiling-mounted motion sensors can be programmed to activate specific lighting scenes at various times of the day. For instance, bright, task-oriented lighting can be automatically activated in the kitchen during meal preparation times, while softer, ambient lighting can be set for the living area in the evenings. This automation ensures that your home’s lighting adapts to your lifestyle effortlessly.

Additionally, Loxone offers advanced lighting solutions like RGBW Spots and LED strips, which can transform the mood of your living space with a dynamic range of colours and brightness levels. These lighting options allow you to customize the ambiance to suit different activities and preferences, from vibrant, colourful settings for parties to calm, warm tones for relaxation.

Loxone’s zoned lighting control integrates seamlessly with other smart home features, such as shading and music, to create a cohesive and harmonious living environment. For example, as you dim the lights for a movie night, the system can simultaneously lower the shades and play your favourite soundtrack, enhancing the overall experience.

Control and customisation of the lighting system can be easily managed through the Loxone app on your smartphone, providing you with the flexibility to adjust settings remotely. This convenience ensures that you can create the perfect lighting atmosphere whether you are at home or away.

By implementing Loxone’s zoned lighting control, you not only improve the functionality and aesthetics of your open-plan living space but also enjoy the benefits of a highly efficient and user-friendly smart home system. This advanced lighting solution enhances your daily living experience, offering both practical and creative ways to illuminate your home.

Zoned Heating Control

Zoned Heating Control

Traditional heating systems often rely on a single thermostat to regulate the temperature for the entire house, which can result in uneven heating and discomfort. Some areas may become too warm while others remain too cold, leading to inefficiencies and higher energy costs. Loxone smart home heating overcomes these issues by assigning each room its own heating zone, each regulated by precise temperature sensors embedded in Loxone Touch switches.

With zoned heating control, you can set the perfect temperature for each room according to its use and occupancy. For instance, you can maintain a cozy warmth in the living room during the evening while keeping bedrooms cooler until bedtime. This targeted approach ensures optimal comfort in every part of your home and prevents energy wastage.

The Loxone system constantly monitors and adjusts the heat output in each zone to maintain the desired temperature, regardless of external weather conditions. This intelligent regulation not only enhances comfort but also maximises energy efficiency, reducing your overall heating bills.

One of the standout features of Loxone’s smart heating is the Holiday mode. When activated, this mode lowers the heating settings while you are away, conserving energy and cutting costs. Upon your return, the system ensures your home is warm and welcoming by preheating it to your preferred temperature. This feature provides peace of mind and convenience, as you no longer need to manually adjust your heating settings before leaving or returning home.

Additionally, the Loxone system integrates seamlessly with other smart home functions. For example, it can synchronise with your smart shading and lighting systems to further enhance energy efficiency and comfort. If the system detects that a room is receiving ample sunlight, it can adjust the heating accordingly to avoid unnecessary energy consumption.

Control of the heating system can be managed effortlessly through the Loxone app on your smartphone. This allows you to adjust temperatures, switch modes, and monitor energy usage from anywhere, ensuring your home remains comfortable and efficient at all times.

Automated intelligent shading

Automated and Intelligent Shading

Loxone’s centralised control system adjusts shades to manage the amount of sunlight entering your home, optimising comfort and energy efficiency year-round. During the summer, the system automatically lowers shades to block excess sunlight, preventing overheating and reducing the need for air conditioning. Conversely, in the winter, it raises the shades to allow maximum sunlight penetration, harnessing natural heat to warm your home. This intelligent use of passive heating and cooling not only enhances comfort but also significantly reduces energy consumption and costs.

The system can be customised to respond to various conditions and preferences. For instance, it can adjust shades based on real-time weather data, time of day, and indoor temperature readings. Additionally, the shading can be programmed to follow seasonal patterns, ensuring optimal performance throughout the year. By minimising the reliance on artificial heating and cooling systems, Loxone’s shading control contributes to a more sustainable and energy-efficient home.

Furthermore, Loxone’s shading solutions integrate seamlessly with other smart home features, such as lighting and security systems. This integration allows for coordinated actions, such as lowering shades when the security system is activated or adjusting lighting levels in response to natural light changes. With the ability to control shades remotely via a smartphone app, you can ensure your home remains comfortable and energy-efficient even when you're not there.

By incorporating Loxone’s automated shading into your smart home setup, you benefit from improved thermal comfort, lower energy bills, and a reduced carbon footprint, all while enjoying the convenience and sophistication of advanced home automation technology.

Integrated home security

Intelligent security

A Loxone smart home provides a robust and comprehensive security system that ensures peace of mind by utilising advanced technology and intelligent design. Even with its basic setup, a Loxone system includes most of the essential tools required to create an effective intruder alarm system, making it an integral part of your home security strategy.

The foundation of Loxone’s intelligent security lies in its motion sensors. These sensors are strategically placed throughout your home to detect any unauthorized movement when the system is armed. Upon detecting an intruder, the Loxone system springs into action with a series of coordinated responses designed to deter the intruder and alert you immediately.

Firstly, the system sends a silent alarm notification directly to your smartphone, ensuring that you are aware of the intrusion no matter where you are. This immediate alert allows you to take appropriate action, such as contacting authorities or remotely monitoring the situation through connected security cameras.

Simultaneously, the system activates all the lights in your home, causing them to flash on and off. This sudden and unexpected lighting activity is designed to startle and disorient the intruder, making it clear that their presence has been detected. The flashing lights not only serve as a deterrent but also draw attention to your property, potentially alerting neighbours or passers-by to the unusual activity.

In addition to the lights, the system raises all the blinds in your home, creating a highly exposed environment for the intruder. This action further increases their sense of vulnerability, as they are now visible from the outside, reducing their likelihood of proceeding with the intrusion. The combined effect of flashing lights and raised blinds creates a powerful psychological deterrent, making it difficult for the intruder to operate unnoticed.

For enhanced security, the Loxone system can be expanded with additional features such as door and window contacts, break glass indicators, and sirens. Door and window contacts monitor entry points, triggering alarms if they are tampered with or forced open. Break glass indicators detect the sound or vibration of breaking glass, adding another layer of protection against unauthorised entry.

The system can also integrate a high-decibel siren that activates during an intrusion, emitting a loud and piercing noise to further deter the intruder and alert anyone nearby. Additionally, an exterior strobe light and bell box can be installed outside your home, providing a visual and audible alarm that signals a security breach to the surrounding area.

Beyond intruder detection, Loxone’s intelligent security system can be integrated with other smart home features for comprehensive protection. For instance, it can work in conjunction with your fire and flood detection systems, ensuring that your home is safeguarded against a variety of threats. Smoke detectors and flood sensors can trigger alarms and send notifications in case of emergencies, providing an all-encompassing safety net.

In summary, Loxone’s intelligent security system leverages advanced technology and seamless integration to deliver a highly effective and responsive solution for home protection. By combining motion detection, instant notifications, and coordinated deterrent actions, it ensures that your home remains secure and that you are always informed and in control.

Add to this: door and window contacts, break glass indicators, a siren at full volume through your ceiling speakers and an exterior strobe & bell box and you have a truly scary and effective alarm system.

Integrated Fire and Flood Detection for your Smarthome

Fire and Flood detection

A Loxone smart home provides comprehensive safety features by integrating fire and flood detection systems that enhance your home's protection and your peace of mind. By incorporating smoke and flood detectors into your smart home setup, you can ensure that your home is safeguarded against these potential hazards with advanced, automated responses.

Smoke detectors are a critical component of any home safety system, and integrating them with your Loxone smart home adds an extra layer of security. When smoke is detected, the system immediately sends alerts to your smartphone, ensuring you are notified of the potential danger no matter where you are. This instant notification allows you to take swift action, whether you are at home or away.

In addition to sending alerts, the Loxone system can automatically trigger several safety measures to help mitigate the danger. For example, the system can open all blinds to allow clear visibility and create an unobstructed escape route. This is especially useful during night-time when blinds are typically closed. The system can also turn on emergency lighting to illuminate pathways, making it easier for occupants to navigate and exit the building safely.

Moreover, the integration of smoke detectors with the smart home system allows for co-ordinated responses. For instance, the system can shut down HVAC systems to prevent the spread of smoke throughout the house, and it can unlock smart locks to ensure all exits are accessible. These automated responses work together to enhance the safety of everyone in the home.

Flood detectors are strategically placed in areas prone to leaks or water damage, such as basements, bathrooms, and kitchens. When these sensors detect the presence of water, they immediately send alerts to your smartphone, informing you of a potential leak or flooding issue. Early detection is crucial in preventing extensive water damage and costly repairs.

Beyond just alerting you, the Loxone system can take proactive steps to mitigate the damage caused by a leak or flood. One of the most effective measures is the automatic closure of the main stopcock. By shutting off the water supply, the system can prevent further water ingress and limit the extent of the damage. This automated response is particularly valuable if a leak occurs when you are not at home, as it can significantly reduce the time water is allowed to flow unchecked.

Automated weather monitoring for Smarthome inputs

Weather Monitoring

Weather monitoring is a crucial component of a Loxone smart home, offering advanced capabilities that ensure your home responds proactively to changing weather conditions. By integrating a Weather Station into your Loxone system, you can safeguard your property and enhance your living environment with automated responses tailored to real-time weather data.

One of the primary functions of the Weather Station is to monitor wind conditions. High winds can pose a significant threat to outdoor structures such as awnings, blinds, and patio furniture. With the Weather Station, your smart home can automatically retract any awnings or outside blinds when high winds are detected. This prevents potential damage to these structures and ensures that they do not become hazardous during storms. By automating this process, you eliminate the need for manual intervention, giving you peace of mind that your home is protected even when you are not present.

Rain can cause various issues if not properly managed, especially if you have roof windows or other openings that can let water into your home. The Loxone Weather Station includes rain sensors that detect the onset of rainfall. When rain is detected, the smart home system automatically closes any roof windows to prevent water from entering the house. This feature is particularly beneficial for homes with skylights or roof windows that are often left open for ventilation. The automatic closure not only protects your home’s interior from water damage but also ensures that your living spaces remain dry and comfortable.

Managing sunlight effectively can significantly impact your home's energy efficiency and comfort. The Weather Station measures the amount of sunlight and communicates this information to your Loxone smart home system. Based on this data, the system can make intelligent decisions about which blinds to open or close. For instance, on a bright, sunny day, the system may choose to lower blinds on the sunniest side of the house to prevent overheating and reduce the load on your air conditioning system. Conversely, during colder months, the system might raise the blinds to allow more sunlight to enter and warm your home naturally, thereby reducing heating costs.

The integration of weather monitoring into your smart home system plays a significant role in enhancing energy efficiency. By responding dynamically to weather conditions, your home can optimize the use of natural resources such as sunlight and wind. For example, by closing blinds during the hottest part of the day, the system reduces the need for air conditioning, lowering your energy consumption and costs. Similarly, by harnessing sunlight during winter, the system helps maintain a warmer indoor temperature without excessive reliance on heating systems. This intelligent management of energy resources not only lowers your utility bills but also contributes to a more sustainable living environment.


Multiroom Audio, different music zones

Multiroom Audio

A Loxone smart home offers a sophisticated multiroom audio system that transforms your living space into an immersive auditory experience. By integrating the Loxone Music Server and Amplifier, you can enjoy seamless music distribution across different zones of your home, each tailored to your specific preferences and needs.

With the Loxone Music Server and Amplifier, you can create multiple music zones throughout your house, allowing you to play different audio sources in different rooms simultaneously. Whether you want upbeat tunes in the kitchen, classical music in the living room, or relaxing ambient sounds in the bedroom, each zone can be customized to suit the mood and activity of the space. This zoned approach ensures that everyone in the household can enjoy their preferred music without interference, creating a harmonious living environment.

Controlling your multiroom audio system is effortless with the Loxone Touch switch. This elegant, wall-mounted interface allows you to select music inputs, adjust the volume, and change tracks with just a few taps. The user-friendly design of the Loxone Touch switch ensures that even guests can easily navigate and control the music in any room. Additionally, you can manage your audio settings from your smartphone, giving you the flexibility to make adjustments from anywhere in the house.

Start your day on a positive note with Loxone’s integrated wake-up features. Program the system to gradually fade in your lights from a soothing red to a warm sun yellow, mimicking a natural sunrise. Simultaneously, your favourite music or radio station begins to play softly, creating a gentle and uplifting wake-up experience. This combination of light and sound helps you wake up feeling refreshed and energised, setting a positive tone for the rest of your day.

Enhance your bathroom experience with automated ambient music triggered by motion sensors. As soon as you enter the bathroom, the system can play relaxing music to create a spa-like atmosphere. This automatic feature adds a touch of luxury and convenience to your daily routine, making even mundane activities more enjoyable. The motion sensors ensure that the music stops when you leave, conserving energy and maintaining a tranquil environment.

The Loxone Music Server supports a wide range of audio sources, including streaming services, internet radio, and local media libraries. This versatility allows you to access and enjoy a vast selection of music, podcasts, and other audio content. Whether you prefer streaming your favourite playlists from Spotify or tuning into an international radio station, the system provides a comprehensive audio solution that caters to all tastes.

The multiroom audio system seamlessly integrates with other Loxone smart home features, enhancing the overall functionality and convenience of your home. For example, you can synchronize your audio system with lighting scenes to create a cohesive ambiance for different occasions. During a dinner party, you can set the lights to a warm, inviting glow while playing background music to match the mood. In a home theatre setup, the audio system can be linked to your TV or projector for an immersive cinematic experience.

For those who love hosting gatherings, the multiroom audio system is a game-changer. You can easily control the music in different areas of your home, ensuring that guests in the living room, kitchen, and outdoor spaces all enjoy the perfect soundtrack for your event. The ability to manage audio settings from your smartphone allows you to make real-time adjustments without interrupting your interactions with guests, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable entertainment experience.

The Loxone Music Server and Amplifier are designed with future-proof technology, ensuring that your system remains compatible with new audio formats and streaming services as they emerge. This forward-thinking approach means that your investment in a multiroom audio system will continue to deliver high-quality performance and functionality for years to come. 

Access control Intercom keypad near field communication

Secure Access

In a Loxone smart home, secure access goes beyond traditional doorbell functions, offering enhanced features that prioritise convenience, safety, and peace of mind. Even a simple doorbell button becomes a sophisticated tool when integrated into the Loxone system. When someone presses the doorbell, the system can intelligently pause the music playing throughout the house, ensuring you hear the door chime clearly. Simultaneously, you receive a notification on your smartphone, providing instant awareness of visitors at your door. For added security, the system can capture a snapshot of the person standing at your door, allowing you to visually verify their identity before responding.

To further enhance control and interaction with visitors, consider integrating a Loxone Intercom. This advanced device enables two-way audio and video communication, allowing you to see and speak to anyone at your door from the convenience of your smartphone or a dedicated intercom unit inside your home. Whether you're upstairs, at work, or away on vacation, the Loxone Intercom ensures that you can always interact with visitors in real time, enhancing security and convenience.

For homeowners seeking maximum security and access control, Loxone offers additional options such as keypads and magnetic door locks. Keypads allow authorised individuals to enter a secure code for access, eliminating the need for traditional keys and providing a flexible, secure entry method. Magnetic door locks provide further security by automatically locking when the door closes, ensuring that your home remains secure even if you forget to lock the door manually. These integrated solutions not only enhance security but also streamline access management, making it easier to grant entry to trusted individuals remotely.

The seamless integration of secure access features into the Loxone smart home ecosystem ensures that your home remains protected and accessible at all times. Whether you're welcoming guests, receiving deliveries, or monitoring access while away, the system provides robust security measures combined with user-friendly controls. By leveraging advanced technology and intuitive interfaces, Loxone empowers homeowners to manage access with confidence, ensuring that their property and loved ones are always safeguarded.

Automated and intelligent garden irrigation

Intelligent Garden Irrigation

Incorporating intelligent garden irrigation into your Loxone smart home transforms the way you maintain your outdoor spaces, combining efficiency with environmental responsibility. Unlike traditional irrigation systems that operate on fixed schedules, often leading to water wastage, a Loxone-integrated system utilises advanced technology to optimize watering based on real-time weather data. By connecting to a weather station and utilising weather forecast services, the system intelligently adjusts watering schedules according to current weather conditions. This means your garden receives water only when necessary, ensuring your lawn remains lush and green while significantly reducing water consumption and utility costs.

The integration of a weather station is pivotal in enhancing the efficiency of garden irrigation. The station monitors local weather patterns, including rainfall and humidity levels, and communicates this data to your Loxone system. Armed with this information, the system can make informed decisions about when and how much to water your garden. During periods of rainfall, for example, the system automatically suspends irrigation to prevent overwatering, thereby conserving water resources and promoting sustainability.

Beyond water conservation, intelligent garden irrigation enhances the overall health and appearance of your landscape. By delivering water precisely when and where it's needed, the system promotes optimal growth and minimises stress on plants. This approach not only fosters vibrant vegetation but also reduces the risk of water-related issues such as root rot and fungal diseases, which can occur with excessive irrigation. As a result, your garden thrives with minimal intervention, allowing you to enjoy a beautiful outdoor environment year-round.

Moreover, the Loxone smart home system offers homeowners unparalleled convenience and control over their garden irrigation. Through intuitive interfaces and mobile applications, you can monitor and adjust watering schedules remotely. Whether you're at home or away, you can rest assured that your garden is receiving the right amount of water at the right time, tailored to specific weather conditions. This level of automation not only simplifies garden maintenance but also frees up your time for other activities, making outdoor living more enjoyable and sustainable.

Swimming Pool Automation linked to your Smarthome

Pool Automation

Pool automation with Loxone technology brings unparalleled convenience and peace of mind, particularly for homeowners with properties abroad or those managing vacation homes remotely. Imagine overseeing the maintenance and operation of your pool in the South of France while residing in rainy Britain, all through the power of automation and remote monitoring.

Key components of pool maintenance such as rinsing, filtration, backwashing, and monitoring pool temperature are seamlessly integrated into the Loxone system. These tasks, traditionally requiring manual intervention, are now automated to ensure optimal water quality and operational efficiency. The system handles routine maintenance tasks according to preset schedules or real-time conditions, freeing homeowners from the constraints of physical presence.

Monitoring pool covers is another essential aspect of pool automation. With Loxone, you can remotely monitor and control the deployment and retraction of pool covers based on weather conditions or user preferences. This not only enhances safety by preventing unauthorised access but also helps maintain water temperature and cleanliness, prolonging the life of pool equipment and reducing maintenance costs.

The ability to manage pool automation remotely via Loxone's intuitive interfaces and mobile applications enhances convenience and efficiency. Whether adjusting filtration settings, checking water temperature, or scheduling pool cover operations, homeowners have complete control at their fingertips. This remote accessibility ensures that your pool remains in pristine condition, ready for use whenever you or your guests arrive, regardless of your physical location.

In addition to operational efficiency and convenience, Loxone pool automation contributes to energy savings and sustainability. By optimising the use of pool equipment based on actual needs and conditions, the system reduces energy consumption and operating costs. This eco-friendly approach aligns with modern environmental standards and promotes responsible stewardship of resources, ensuring that your pool operates efficiently while minimising its environmental footprint.

Energy monitoring for efficient car charging

Energy Management

In the context of rising energy costs and the imperative to curb carbon emissions, effective energy management within the home is becoming increasingly crucial. Loxone addresses these challenges with a comprehensive suite of products and cutting-edge software designed to empower homeowners with real-time insights into their energy consumption. By monitoring energy usage throughout the home, Loxone enables users to identify which devices are consuming the most power unnecessarily, facilitating informed decisions to reduce this 'base load'. This proactive approach not only lowers utility bills but also contributes to environmental sustainability by minimising energy waste.

Central to Loxone's energy management capabilities is its ability to intelligently distribute energy where it's needed most. For instance, excess energy generated from solar panels can be automatically diverted to power an electric vehicle via a Loxone car charge point. This feature not only optimises the use of renewable energy sources but also enhances the efficiency of household energy consumption, aligning with eco-friendly practices and reducing dependency on grid electricity.

Moreover, Loxone smart homes are equipped to leverage spot price energy tariffs effectively. By analysing real-time energy pricing data, the system can adjust energy usage patterns to capitalize on lower-cost periods, further reducing overall energy expenses. This dynamic response to market conditions not only saves money but also promotes efficient energy usage, benefiting both homeowners and the environment.

The integration of Loxone's energy management solutions extends beyond mere cost savings. It empowers homeowners to take an active role in energy conservation and sustainability efforts, fostering a more conscientious approach to household energy consumption. By providing tools to monitor, manage, and optimise energy usage in real time, Loxone enables users to achieve greater control over their energy footprint while contributing positively to global environmental goals.

Loxone Miniserver, Smarthome Electrical Enclosure

How it all works

A wired smarthome system represents a robust foundation for centralised control of your home's electrical infrastructure. Unlike wireless systems, which may be susceptible to interference or range limitations, a wired setup ensures reliable communication and seamless integration of various smart devices throughout your home. Central to this setup is an electrical enclosure that serves as the nerve centre, housing the intelligence that orchestrates the entire smart home ecosystem. This enclosure provides a structured space where inputs such as light switches, door contacts, and motion sensors converge, each connected via data cables to facilitate communication with the smarthome system.

Outputs from the enclosure, including commands to control lights, vents, blinds, and other devices, are transmitted through standard 'twin and earth' electrical cables. This wiring configuration ensures not only efficient power distribution but also the ability to handle diverse tasks, from adjusting room lighting to regulating climate control and managing entertainment systems. The structured wiring approach offers maximum flexibility, enabling any light switch to be programmed to control any light within the smarthome network, thus adapting to the unique layout and functional requirements of your living spaces.

Powered by sophisticated configuration software, the smarthome system is meticulously tailored to respond intelligently to various inputs and commands. This software allows homeowners to customize automation routines that align with their lifestyle preferences and energy efficiency goals. Whether it's automatically dimming lights based on natural daylight, closing blinds to enhance privacy, or initiating music playlists upon entering a room, the possibilities for personalisation and convenience are virtually limitless.

The integration of a wired smarthome system not only enhances everyday living but also promotes efficiency and reliability in home management. By centralising control and leveraging wired connections for data transmission, homeowners benefit from a robust infrastructure that supports seamless communication among smart devices. This holistic approach not only simplifies daily tasks but also lays the groundwork for future expansions and upgrades, ensuring your smarthome remains adaptable to evolving technological advancements and household needs.

In essence, a wired smarthome system represents a sophisticated yet practical solution for modern living. By consolidating control within a dedicated electrical enclosure and utilising advanced wiring methodologies, homeowners can enjoy enhanced comfort, convenience, and energy efficiency throughout their living spaces. This integrated approach not only transforms how we interact with our homes but also sets a precedent for sustainable and intelligent living in the digital age.

Loxone Smarthome Silver Partner
There are many competing smarthome technologies but here at Surrey Smarthome we are proud to work with the innovative and Award winning company: Loxone. Being a Certified Loxone partner means that our work is of the high standard expected in every Loxone Smart Home. The Loxone products we fit go through rigorous testing, are guaranteed to last and as partners we have Loxone’s full technical support available to us.

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Tel 07837 945055

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